Brenda’s takes all complaints very seriously.
All complaints are handled with the utmost confidence and complete sincerity.
We will provide a response within seven days of receiving the complaint. If the complaint requires further investigation, you will be notified, this will then be carried out and details recorded, with a proposal of resolution within 28 days of the receipt of complaint.
If you have a complaint then please download a complaints form HERE
Please fill out the relevant sections in as much detail as you can, then either email, post, or hand a copy into the shop, being sure to keep a copy for your records.
It is imperative please that you bring our attention to any issue at the earliest instance, taking photos if possible, retaining packaging, or any other supporting evidence or documentation, etc.
You can post the form to or hand in in person to:
Brenda's Schoolwear
130 Frimley Road
GU15 2QN
or email it to us at
If you do not receive confirmation of receipt of your complaint please follow up to ensure it has been received, as things can go missing in the post and cyberspace.
We will endeavour to provide a resolution as soon as possible.